Unit 3 Manage Your Time
Language Focus:
Grammar: various uses of will
Vocabulary building: back-formation
Important words and phrases: principle, management, mathematical, unequal, specialist, universal, in a nut shell, insignificant, virtually, relevant
Lecture 1
Contents: Around the topic & Listening and Speaking
Time Allotment: (2 periods) 
Around the topic (1 period)   Listening and Speaking1 period) 
Teaching Aims: 
1. To talk about time and understand some English sayings of time. 
2To get acquainted with skills of listening for the missing words in sentence.
Teaching Approaches:
Discussion, audio-lingual method, task—based approach, communicative approach。
Baidu wenku: Proverbs and Sayings about Time
1。 Sayings of time: to understand and translate the sayings of time on page 34。
More sayings:
Time tries friends as fire tries gold。 时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金。
A hero is nothing but a product of his time. 时事造英雄。
One of these days is none of these days. 改天改天,不知哪天。
Tomorrow never comes。 明日复明日,明日何其多。
2。 A Poem of Time
To realize the value of one year
Ask the student who has failed the class。
To realize the value of one month
Ask a mother who give birth to a premature baby。
To realize the value of one week,
Ask the editor of a weekly newspaper。
To realize the value of one day
Ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed。
To realize the value of one hour
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet。
To realize the value of one minute,
Ask a person who missed the train.
To realized the value of one second
Ask a person who just avoided an accident.
To realize the value of one millisecond
Ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics。
Treasure every moment that you have!
Yesterday is history。 Tomorrow is mystery。
Today is a gift. That’s why its called the present! 今天是礼物,所以叫现今(金)。
3. A Quiz: finish the quiz to discover you manage your time efficiently or poorly。
Scoring method:
1—30: time master -— you are doing a great job managing your time and life. Congratulations!
31-50: learning —— you are managing yourself and your time to a considerable extent。 There is still room for improvement.
51-100: red alert —- things may be spinning out of control. You need to change certain bad habit and learn new skills.
II: Listening and Speaking
1。 Listen to the song Life Is Too Short and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Translate the song.
Have you ever seen the morning?你曾欣赏过这样的黎明吗 
When the sun comes up the shore旭日东升 
And the silence teach the beauty for the sound宁静使我领悟那一刻的美妙 
Have you ever set there waiting你曾在那等待吗 
For the time to stand still因为时间暂停 
For all the worlds and stars 因为世界的多彩和星辰的奇妙 
From turning around生生不息 
And you run你努力奔跑向前 
Cause life is too short生命短暂易逝 
And you run你努力奔跑向前 
Cause life is too short生命短暂易逝 
Have you ever seen the glory?你曾留恋过天空的灿烂吗 
When the moon is on the rise当皓月升空 
And the dreams are close梦想更加靠近 
To the ones that we love为了我们心中的爱 
Have you ever set there waiting曾有一刻你在那等待吗 
For heaven to give a sign来自天堂的召唤 
So we could find the place使我们能寻到 
Where angels come from天使的的踪迹 
And you run你努力奔跑向前 
Cause life is too short生命短暂易逝 
And you run你努力奔跑向前 
Cause life is too short生命短暂易逝 
There’s a time that turns转变的时候到来 
Turn back time时光倒流 
But I don’t see I can我还无法预见我的能力所及 
It only works只能努力 
If you believe in the truth如果你相信这一切 
But there’s a time to live此刻生命该活得灿烂 
And a time to cry哭也要痛快 
But if you’re by my side如果你守在我身边 
I will try to catch a star我愿为你摘星辰 
I'll try to catch a star为你摘星辰 
Just for you只为你 
And I run我努力向前奔跑 
Cause life is too short生命短暂易逝 
And you run你努力奔跑向前 
Cause life is too short生命短暂易逝 
And I run And I run And I run And you run你努力奔跑向前 
And I run And I run 努力奔跑,奔跑,向前…。.
2。 Ask students to read questions first. Then play the recording and ask them to take notes while listening.
3. Play the recording again and ask students to complete the sentences.
4. Read the instruction and questions as a class. Ask students to have a discussion with their partners。
Lecture 2
Contents: Reading A and Grammar
Time Allotment: (2 periods) 
Reading A (1 period)   Grammar (1 period) 
Teaching Aims: 
1. To get familiar with new words in the text。 
2。 Tunderstand the 80/20 principle and know how to manage your time efficiently. 
3. To use will correctly
Teaching Approaches:
unequalDiscussion, task-based approach, heuristic method, inductive method
I. Reading A
1.Pre—reading tasks
Divide students into groups and ask them to discuss the questions. Then pick some volunteers to answer these two questions as representatives of their groups.
2.Reading comprehension
1)。 Assignment checking: Ask students to read the text and finish Ex A。 Check their answers when they finish。
2)。 New words and phrases:
mathematical  adj. relating to or using mathematics 数学的 mathematics  n。
e。g。 His mathematics are weak。
    He is not very good at doing mathematical calculations.
unequal adj。 not equal in number, amount, or level 不平等的,不均衡的
e。g。 The twins are unequal in height。
—- be equal / unequal to sth / doing
equalitarian. adj 平等主义的 n。 平等主义者
  equality。 n 相等,平等      equate。 v 使相等,相提并论
  equation。  n 方程式,相等,平等    equator.  n 赤道
  equivalent。 adj 相等的,相当的  n 相等物
  equivocal。  adj 模棱两可的,不确定的,可疑的
specialist  n。 someone who knows a lot about a particular subject 专家
e.g. Dr. Lee is a specialist in plastic surgery。
principle  n. a rule which explains the way something works 法则,原则