All kinds of music styles:
1. Classical music 古典音乐              Classical music was the music of European courts(欧洲宫廷)and big concert halls. Classical music refers to orchestral (管弦乐的)music of the 18th and early19th century. Beethoven and Mozart (莫扎特)are two of the most famous classical composers(作曲家).
2. folk music  民族音乐        Folk Music, the music with which the people of a nation or an ethnic(种族的) group most specifically identify(区别) themselves. Folk music is most commonly the music of the socially and economically lower classes(阶级,阶层).
3. jazz 爵士乐              Jazz has been called “the art of expression set to music”, and  “ America’s  great  contribution to music”.  What made Jazz different from the other earlier  forms  of music was the use of improvisation(即兴创作). Louis Armstrong was considered as the  most successful musicians of Jazz and later one of the biggest stars in the world.
4. pop / popular music 流行音乐
5. rock "n" roll 摇滚乐    Rock 'n' roll &rock-and-roll: a form of popular music arising(产生,出现) from and incorporating (合并) a variety of musical styles, especially rhythm and blues, country music, and gospel(黑人福音音乐). Elvis Presley (猫王)and the Beatles(披头士)were the big names of rock ‘n’ roll.
6. blues 蓝调音乐        Blues started off as the music of African slaves(非洲奴隶)brought to the United States. It is closely related to the music of West Africa.  In many ways, blues music is an important element (元素)in many of today’s popular tunes (流行曲子).
7. R&B  (HIP-HOP)  节奏蓝调
8. RAP 说唱
9. Country Music乡村音乐
What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz.popular music or folk music? I think different people have different answer .My father and I like the different music.As a young man.I like the popular music very much.I think this kind of music represent passion and vita
lity .My father don’t think so .He likes the classic music.He thinks this music is elegant He said if the classic music is your favorite music,u have a good taste.
Above all ,music is called a universal lauguage.It speaks a special word can make up us feel joy and exaitation.No matter what kinds of music do you like ,you just need to appreciate it .Love music ,Love life .
What is your favourite music?Do you like jazz.popular music or folk music?I think different people have different answers. As a young man.I like the popular music very much.I think this kind of music represent passion and vitality .My father doesn't.He likes the classic music.He thinks this music is elegant .He said if the classic music is your favorite music,you have a good taste. Above all ,music is called a universal lauguage.It can make us feel joy and exaitation. No matter what kinds of music do you like ,you just need to appreciate it .Love music ,Love life .
初二 Unit 21 She taught herself. Lesson 82 
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework.
2 Revise words about music: rock band, pop, concert, singer, Beatles, piano, violin, etc.
Step 2 Pre-read
SB Page 32, Part 1. In small groups have the students discuss the questions. Students may get some information from Notes to the texts at the back of the Students‘ Book. Then ask What kinds of music do you like? If you have tapes of different music, play some and discuss what kinds of music they are, and what the students like and dislike about the different types of music. Some examples of music that can be found in China are pop music, both Chinese and Western, classical, rap (吟快板, a type of rhythmic talking, which is accompanied by music), rock’n roll, folk music, both Chinese and Western, jazz and blues, etc. If you know someone, or you yourself can sing well, invite them to sing some songs that are of different kinds of music. represent的用法
Step 3 Presentation
1 Play a tape or CD of some music by Beethoven. When playing the tape, have the students close their eyes and feel the music. Then discuss what they felt, i.e. happy, sad, comforting, etc.
2 Talk a little about Beethoven. He was born on Dec. 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He was a child prodigy who became a great composer and musician. His father died when he was only eighteen years old. From that time on he had to provide for himself and his two younger brothers. To do this, he played the viola in an orchestra. In 1792 Haydn, a famous composer at the time, saw Beethoven perform and realized he was a very talented musician. He asked him to come to Vienna, Austria with him and study under him. Beethoven did, and became a great composer. His music was filled with his own emotions which created a new style of music at the time. His Moonlight Sonata was actually written for his love of Countess Giulietta who refused to marry him. Later on in his life, Beethoven became deaf and had to compose his music entirely in his head without ever hearing a note of it himself. He died on March 26, 1827.