      这是最常用也是最先可以考虑使用的策略。我们在第一章的开始就已经反复使用这个方法来处理“多余的动词+名词结构”(“make an improvement”= “improve”)method形容词
      A: Adherence to Marxism is vital to China, and so is adherence to socialism.
      B: It is vital for us to adhere to Marxism and socialism.
      A: otherwise, there can be no achievements in our work
      B: otherwise, we can achieve nothing
  A: such behavior on the part of leading cadres will encourage extravagance
  B: if leading cadres behave that way, they will encourage extravagance
  A: reading of newly published materials is also important
  B: it is also important to read newly published materials
      回忆你所学过的语法知识,动名词是动词的“-ing”形式作名词。上文的例子中,“reading”就是动名词,副标题中的 “replacing”也是动名词。
      动名词同时具有动词和名词的词性。就像名词一样,也会显得多余和尴尬,所以我们将 “reading”变为 “to read”。但动名词也继承了其根动词的优点。动名词可以像动词一样赋予呆板又毫无生气的句子以活力。而且像动词一样,动名词也可以阐明意义,需要作者写出主语或者直接宾语,也就是说,明白地说出是谁在做什么。
      A: economic revitalization will be an arduous task
      B: revitalizing the economy will be an arduous task
      A: the company began its issuance of 100 million foreign currency B shares yesterday
      B: the company began issuing 100 million foreign currency B shares yesterday
      A: we shall transform the national bourgeoisie through cooperation with it
      B: we shall transform the national bourgeoisie by cooperating with it
      A: we have to concentrate our efforts on agricultural reinforcement
      B: we have to concentrate on strengthening agriculture
      [Review: "Efforts" was eliminated because it is understood in "concentrate."]
  A: this accounts for the unsoundness in organization of these enterprises
  B: this accounts for the poor organization of these enterprises
  A: silk undershirts are rich in elasticity
  B: silk undershirts are (highly) elastic
  A: facts will prove the correctness of these policies
  B: facts will prove that these policies are correct
  A: we must guard against blindness in action
  B: we must guard against acting blindly
  [Note that the second noun, "action," has been replaced by the gerund "acting."]
  【注意动名词 “acting”替代了A句中第二个名词“action”。】
    A: The practice of indiscriminate abolition tallies with neither Mao Zedong Thought nor the scientific method.
    B: Abolishing all rules indiscriminately is not consistent either with Mao Zedong Thought or with the scientific method.
    [Review: "The practice of" is only a useless category noun.]
        【注: “the practice of”在这里是没有意义的类别名词。】
        A: A Beijing computer newspaper even makes the point that China is entering a PC era that is going to be characterized by the dominance of national brands.
        B: A Beijing computer newspaper even makes the point that China is entering a PC era in which national brands will dominate the market.
        A: Can anyone imagine that Hong Kong is free from obstacles or sabotaging forces?
        B: Can anyone imagine that there are no forces in Hong Kong that might engage in obstruction or sabotage?
        A: it is important to give full scope to the role of experts
        B: it is important to take full advantage of the knowledge and abilities of experts
首先,应该承认,英语中名词作形容词使用是完全合理的。没有比直接说an army officer
军官), the street corner(街角)drug addiction(毒瘾)an income tax(所得税)更加自然的了。这样简洁的词组意义一目了然。没有人会认为有必要使用介词来对这些词组进行修改:"an officer in the army," "the corner of the street," "addiction to drugs," or "a tax on income."