Defending the beauty of the Invariance Principle 期刊名称: International Journal of Control
作者: Barkana,Itzhak
年份: 2014年
期号: 第1期
关键词: Theoretical or Mathematical/ invariance; nonlinear control systems;
stability/ customary stability analysis methods; nonlinear nonautonomous
systems; uniform continuity; LaSalle invariance principle/ C1310 Control system analysis and synthesis methods C1340K Nonlinear control systems C1320
Stability in control theory
defending摘要:Customary stability analysis methods for nonlinear nonautonomous systems seem to require a strict condition of uniform continuity. Although extensions of LaSalle's Invariance Principle to nonautono
mous systems that mitigate this condition have been available for a long time, they have remained surprisingly unknown or open to misinterpretations. The large scope of the Principle might have misled the prospective users and its application to Control problems has been received with amazing yet clear uneasiness. Counterexamples have been used in order to claim that the Invariance Principle cannot be applied to nonlinear nonautonomous systems. Because the original formulation of the Invariance Principle still imposes conditions that are not necessarily needed, this paper presents a new Invariance Principle that further