"failed to connect"的翻译是 "连接失败"。
1. I tried to connect to the Wi-Fi network, but it failed to connect. (我尝试连接Wi-Fi网络,但连接失败了。)
2. The app shows an error message saying "failed to connect to the server." (该应用程序显示一个错误信息,提示“无法连接到服务器”。)
3. I keep getting a "failed to connect" notification when trying to make a phone call. (每次我打电话时都会收到“连接失败”的通知。)
4. The technician mentioned that the printer failed to connect to my computer due to a compatibility issue. (技术人员提到,由于兼容性问题,打印机无法连接到我的电脑。)
5. I followed the instructions, but my Bluetooth headphones still failed to connect to my phon
e. (我按照说明操作,但我的蓝牙耳机仍无法连接到手机。)
- failed to connect: 连接失败
- connection failed: 连接失败
- unable to connect: 无法连接
- could not establish a connection: 无法建立连接
- failed to establish a connection: 连接建立失败
- error: connection failed: 错误:连接失败
- connection issues: 连接问题
- troubleshoot connection problems: 解决连接问题
- check the network connection: 检查网络连接