combine, connect, link
一、combine 动词。意思是“联合、合并、把......结合起来”。强调的是结合为一。例如:
The two old schools are to combine to form one big new school. 这两所老校要合并组成一所新的大学校。
We must combine theory with practice. 我们要理论联系实际。
Combine Chinese traditional medicine with Western medicine.把传统中药和西药结合起来。
二、connect 动词。意思是“连接、把......联系起来、接通(电话、电源)、衔接”是指把两者连接起来,所连两方仍然保持原有状况。例如:
The two towns are connected by a railway. 两个城市有一条铁路相连。
Would you connect the steam iron ? 你接通一下蒸汽熨斗的电,好吗?
The visit of the police was not connected with the lost child. 警察的到访与走失的孩子无关。
三、link 动词。意思是“把......连接起来、挽(手)、使和......联系起来。”着重结合的紧密性。例如:
The road links all the new towns. 这条路把所有的新城连接起来。
I have heard his name linked with that of a well-known public figure. 我已经听说他的名字和一个著名的公众人物联系起来了。
In some games players link arms. 有的比赛中,运动员手挽手。
command, instruct, order, tell
一、command 动词、名词。作动词表示“命令、吩咐、指挥(部队)、控制”。作名词时表示的意思和作动词几乎一样。作动词多为及物动词,跟带不定式的复合宾语、从句、名词或代词。command主要用于军事场合。例如:
He commanded his men to retreat. 他命令手下撤退。
The troops were commanded by General Haig. 这些部队由黑格将军统帅。
She commanded that we should attack at once. 她命令我们立刻进攻。
I never promise to obey his commands. (名词)我从未答应服从他的指挥。
二、instruct 及物动词。意思是“嘱咐、命令、指示”。较为正式。常用于正式场合。例如:
Instruct those boys to wait there. 叫那些男孩在那儿等着。
The captain instructed the soldiers to retreat. 上尉命令士兵撤退。
Patients were instructed to follow the diet exactly.病人受到吩咐,要严格按照规定饮食进食。connect to和connect with的区别
三、order 动词、名词。作动词表示“命令、嘱咐、定购、叫(菜)”。作名词除表示命令外还有很多的意义。order语气较强,执行任务或掌权者发布命令时常用。后面跟带不定式的复合结构、带介词或副词的复合宾语、从句、名词或代词。例如:
A police officer ordered me to go out of the car.(不定式)警官命令我从汽车里出来。
The doctor ordered him to bed. (介词) 医生嘱咐他卧床休息。
I ordered that the door should be locked. (从句) 我命令把门锁上。
The doctor ordered her a month's rest in bed. (名词)医生嘱咐她在床上休息一个月。
四、tell 动词。意思是“叫某人做某事”。此外tell还有其他意义。但ask(要某人做某事)比tell听起来更礼貌一些。从“命令“的角度上讲,tell是本组词中语气最弱的一个。例如:
I tell you not to climb the tree, because I knew you would fall and hurt yourself. 我要你不要爬树,因为我知道你会摔下来伤到自己。
He told me to phone back today. 他叫我今天回电话。
Tell him to wait. 叫他等着。