vaccine 雅思听力例句
    1. The government has launched a nationwide vaccination campaign to immunize the population against the flu.
    2. The pharmaceutical company announced the successful development of a new vaccine for the prevention of malaria.
    3. Experts are debating the ethical implications of mandatory vaccination for school children.
    4. The recent breakthrough in mRNA vaccine technology has revolutionized the field of infectious disease prevention.
    5. The distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine has raised concerns about global equity and access to healthcare resources.
    6. The nurse administered the vaccine to the patient and explained the potential side effects and benefits.
    7. Public health officials are urging the public to get vaccinated to protect themselves and others from preventable diseases.
    8. The research team is conducting clinical trials to assess the efficacy and safety of the experimental HIV vaccine.
    9. Vaccine hesitancy among certain communities has become a challenge in achieving herd immunity against common illnesses.
    10. The government has allocated funding for the development of a universal flu vaccine to combat seasonal outbreaks.