Unit 7 Food Festival
Topic 1 Were preparing for a food.
Section A
1. Do you know about Craig Kielburger? 你知道克雷格齐尔们?
know about意为“了解”,而know 是”知道,认识”之意,二者意思不同
e.g. I know her. 我认识她。
  I want to know more about my teacher. 我想更多地了解我的老师。
2.He is from Canada and he started Free the Children. 他创办了“解放儿童”这个组织。
start 有多层含义,此处意为“(使)出现,创办,开办”。
e.g. My uncle starts a shoe factory in his hometown. 我的叔叔在他的家乡创办了一家鞋厂。
start to do sth. 开始做某事 e.g. It started to rain. 下起雨来了。
3.He was only twelve years old when he started to help poor children. 当他开始帮组贫困孩子时,他年仅12岁。
twelve years old 十二岁;数字+year(s)+old 意为“……岁”,在句子中只能做表语;
twelve-year-old 十二岁的;数字-year(s)-old 意为“……岁的”,是一个复合形容词,作定语;
She is two years old. = She is two-year old. 她两岁。
4.Then shall we have a food festival and raise money to give to Free the Children?那么我们举办一次美食节活动来为“解放儿童”筹款好吗?
have 是“举办, 举行”之意,相当于hold。e.g. have a sports meeting = hold a sports meeti
We will have a art festival next week. = We will hold a art festival next week.
have a food festival 举行美食街;raise money 筹款;
5.I will turn to our teachers. 我去向老师求助。
turn to (sb.) = ask(sb.) for help 转向(某人);求助于,求教于
e.g. Jane is going to turn to her sister. = Jane is going to ask her sister for help.  简打算向她的求助。
6.My task is to make a poster. 我的任务是制作一张海报。
此句是不定式to make a poster作表语,说明主语的内容。e.g. My job is to look after the baby.
make a poster制作一张海报e.g. Mr.Zhang made a poster for this basketball game.
7.Ill get in touch with Craig Kielburger on the Internet to get more information about him.我将在网上和克雷格齐尔伯取得联系来获得更多关于他的信息。
1)get in touch with和……取得联系
e.g. I often get in touch with my parents on weekends.我常常在周末和我父母联系
to get more information about him 意为“为了得到关于他的更多信息”, to 在这里作目的状语。
get information about sb. 获得关于某人的信息;
8.I will think about how to hold the food festival. 我将会认真考虑怎样举办这次美食节。
1) think about (认真)考虑send for是什么意思
e.g. —Dad, will you buy me a new bike?—I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.—爸爸,你能给我买辆新自行车吗?—很难说,我得好好考虑考虑。
与think相关的短语还有:think over; think of。
A. think over 仔细考虑, 慎重思考e.g. I would like more time to think things over.
B. think of 考虑到,这时可与think about互换。e.g. Don’t think of/about me any more.不要再考虑我。
特殊疑问词how+不定式作动词短语作think about的宾语;
e.g. I often think about how to improve my spoken English. 我经常想如何提高我的英语口语。
9.Lets try our best to make it success. 让我们尽最大的努力使它成功。
try one’s best to do sth. = do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力
e.g. We must try/do our best to study. 我们必须尽最大努力学习。
10.Free the Children plans to build a school in Kenya. “解放儿童”组织计划在肯尼亚建一所学校。
plan to do sth. 计划做某事;e.g. I plan to go to America next month. 我计划下个月去美国。
11.What will the food festival be like?美食节会是什么样子?
12.The children in hospital.  生病住院的儿童。
in hospital - 在医院,泛指的这里哪一家并不重要,重要的是"在医院中"
e.g. She is in hospital right now. 她现在在医院。
in the hospital - 在那家医院(特指)对方应该知道说话人指的是哪一家
e.g. I work in the hospital. 我在医院工作。
Section B
1.I have a sweet tooth, and I think a lot of students will buy western food, such as American chocolate cookies and Greek cheese pies. 我喜欢甜食,我认为很多学生会买西方食物,比如美国巧克力派和希腊奶酪派。
1)have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食
e.g. He has a sweet tooth, and now all his teeth are bad. 他喜欢吃甜食,现在他的牙齿都坏掉了。
western food 西方食物;
2.I think a lot of students will buy western food 是含有宾语从句的复合句,引导词that已省略。
such as 例如;
3.Thats good enough. 那太好了。
A. enough 作副词时,修饰形容词或副词,表示“足够地,十分地”,作形容词时,修饰不定代词。在这两种情况下,它只可放在形容词,副词和不定代词之后。
e.g. This book is easy enough for you to understand. 这本书你很容易就可以看懂。
B. enough 修饰名词时,可以置于名词前或名词后。
e.g. I have enough money to buy the book. 我有足够的钱买这本书。
C. enough 还可用作代词,表示“够,足够,充足”。既可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词,
e.g. We’ve nearly run out of paper. Do you think there’s enough for today?
4.So my friends and I decided to help you raise some money. 所以我和我朋友决定帮助你筹一些钱。
decide to do sth. 决定做某事;e.g. She decided to learn English well. 她决定学好英语。
5.May I invite you to our food festival? 我可以邀请你来参加我们的美食节吗?
invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事e.g. I invited my best friends to see a movie yesterday.
6.Id love to , but Im sorry I cant, because I have no time these days.
A. be sorry相当于be afraid,从句I can’t是省略句,该句完整形式是I’m sorry I can’t go to your food festival. 也可说成I’m afraid I can’t go to your food festival.
B. be sorry和be afraid后还可接不定式to do, 构成be sorry/ afraid to do sth. 形式。
e.g. I’m sorry/afraid to do that. 我很抱歉/不敢那样做。