Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar
I。Complete the sentences with the words from the text.
1."XXX of the Earth?" asked Mr。Hu.
2.The railroad XXX.
3.With your classmates。XXX in your city will be like in 8 years' time and put them up on the wall.
4.XXX up to 650,000 people worldwide every year。especially in winter or spring.
5.Bricks。sand。and glass are different XXX.
II。Choose the best answer.
1.Which of the following underlined parts is different from the XXX
2.Which of the following ic symbols is correct for the word "object"。A。/ˈɒbdʒɪkt/ B。/əbdʒɪkt/ C。/ˈɒbdʒekt/ D。/ˈʌbjɪkt/
3.XXX。as they have already XXX.
4.Smiling can lead to feeling happier。so let's all cheer up and XXX!
5.XXX。XXX it then.
6.Either n is fine for me。as I am just XXX.
7.We will ride to the Starfish Garden if it doesn't rain in a few minutes.
9.When a strong wind comes。it can knock over plant pots and cause damage to people's flats.
10.The n that children XXX.
11.XXX to them on their way to the XXX.
12.Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
B。We do not have any water to water the crops in the farms.
13.I hope fewer people will go hungry in the world.
14.We can keep our classroom clean by not throwing snack packages or XXX.
15.Clothes can be made of leather。wool。XXX.
1.Sharks are one of the XXX.
2.Have you seen these passport。They left them over there.
3.XXX with each other when the Spring XXX.
hibernating4.Fishermen use nets to catch fish and prawns in the deep sea.
6.I have already XXX.
1.How fast does light travel?
2.There is not XXX.
4.What do these libraries look like?
5.Tom is less healthy than Mary.
6.By turning off the tap instead of leaving it running while brushing your teeth。you can save water。You should also fix any XXX.
Ⅴ。Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box。Each can only be used once.
A。give XXX
XXX go trick-or-treating and have great parties。This Halloween。I was ___1___ XXX。while others dressed up as witches。ghosts。or XXX ___2___ wonderful dressed as a butterfly。and even our history teacher got into the spirit by wearing a wig - we almost didn't recognize him!
There XXX day。During language class。we had XXX。we had a dancing party for all students。At first。I was a little shy。but the party was so XXX me to join in。Some boys invited the girls to dance。and most girls accepted the XXX。Some students were good at hip-hop and they became the focus of the party。We all had a great time。It was one of the best Halloweens I’ve had.