2023届高考英语考前每日拔高练 第10练【配套新教材】
1.Going green is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint and help the planet. Being green is all about reducing how many resources you use, reusing items when you can, and recycling items that can't be reused. _______
●Carry a reusable water bottle so you will not need bottled water.
_______. Not only does it create trash, but it also uses more resources because it's shipped to the store. To be more eco-friendly, make it a habit to carry a reusable water bottle with you everywhere so that you can drink water on the go. Plastic bottles are usually the lightest and most convenient.
●Use reusable bags while you're shopping.
Shopping bags make it easy to carry your items home, but they also pollute the planet. Skip the store's shopping bags and bring your own instead, Use a backpack that you already own, or purchase a couple of reusable bags from the checkout area at your local grocery st
ore. hibernating________.
Before you throw something away, look for ways you might reuse it. Try re-purposing items or making green crafts. This will help you keep trash out of the landfill. For example, instead of throwing away a jar, you might use it as a glass, vase or storage container.
●Reduce the amount of time you spend using electronics.
While electronics are really fun and help you feel connected to your friends, they also use up a lot of energy. Schedule breaks from your electronics so you can use them less. During your breaks, do something fun like going for a walk playing a game with your friends, or pursuing a hobby. _______. For instance, instead of playing online video games together, go to a local part.
A. Glass bottles have come a long way in recent years.
B. Reuse items to save them from the landfill.
C. You can use your reusable, bags at most stores.
D. Bottled water is really bad for the environment.
E. You probably need to change your personal habits
F. Invite your friend to connect with you in real life.
G. You can find ideas for green crafts by searching online.
2.Fat is an important part of all living things and most body fat in animals and people is white. White fat allows people to eat more than they need when food is enough. It stores those extra calories until food becomes short. ________
Hibernation(冬眠) can help animals get through the cold winter. They feed themselves on much food in fall in preparation for a long and cold winter. Animals don't eat when they are hibernating. _______ To spend an entire winter, these animals enter a state called torpor(不活泼), where they use the white fat more slowly than they usually do.
When in torpor, it seems that animals have been sleeping. But torpor goes much deeper than that. In fact, animals' activities slow down in torpor. _______ An animal may take several breaths and then stop breathing for several minutes. Instead of wasting energy to keep warm, bodies in torpor can remain just above freezing. ______ Every week or two, they will wake up. They stay awake for a day or so before going back into torpor. The time is different in different species. What causes the wake-up or why it happens is unclear. However, all true hibernating animals go through this cycle.
In order to wake up during the hibernation, these animals have to warm their bodies. ______ This process burns up white fat. And not only on hibernating animals, the warming process has the same influence also on humans, Ballinger explains.
A. But hibernating animals don't stay asleep all winter long.
B. If so, they will suffer from hunger during the winter.
C. Their heart may beat only a few times each minute.
D. Instead, they burn their white fat to keep their bodies running.
E. They might feel comfortable when they wake up after a long winter.
F. Then the body burns it for energy to stay alive until more food shows up.
G. That means going from a temperature above freezing to their usual body temperature.
3.Lots of people ride bikes for lots of different reasons. Here are the top reasons why you should be out there too.
Riding a bike is a proven stress releaser. Regardless of if you are riding purely for pleasure or for a specific purpose, such as to become more mindful about life, you will arrive at your destination feeling relaxed, energized and happier about the world and yourself. Plus, being out on your bike is just flat-out fun. _______