This morning it was harder for me to get out of bed than usual. Usually, I have nightmares (噩梦) because of the terrible movies I watched the night before, and sometimes spicy (辛辣的) food makes me feel uncomfortable in sleeping. However, last night I turned all night because my anxiety was at an all-time high. I kept thinking about what my first day of high school would be like. What should I wear  What should I put in my schoolbag  I finally fell asleep around 5:45 and my alarm started going off at 6.
I couldn’t let those thoughts cloud my mind. I had to prepare myself for one of the most important days of my life. I packed my things and headed out of the door. My first class wasn’t too bad. I listened to my English teacher discuss the importance of themes, but otherwise, it was a pretty easy-going class.
During lunchtime, I had a pizza and an orange soda. I’m grateful for the food not tasting terrible so I wouldn’t keep thinking about that all day. I still didn’t manage to find any new friends to sit with, but I’m just happy I found a quiet place to stay. It would have been uncomfortable if I had to sit in a noisy classroom to eat lunch, or an empty hallway with some kids walking past and laughing.
Once the last bell rang, I was eager to get home and tell Charlie, my childhood friend how my day went at a new school. I was just excited to speak to a familiar voice and share my feelings of the whole day. I wondered how his day went at his new school as well. I got on the same train line that I took to school and headed back home.
Speaking to Charlie on the phone, I found out he made many new friends today. Once I got off the phone, I threw myself on the bed with a long sigh (叹气). Although I’d experience this again tomorrow, I’m glad I got through my first day at school.
1.What made the author fail to fall asleep last night
A.Anxiety of preparations for school.
B.Noise of the alarm that kept ringing.
C.Discomfort brought by spicy food.
D.Nightmares caused by a terrible movie.
2.What can we infer from the third paragraph
A.The author disliked eating in a noisy place.
B.The author was quite satisfied with the food.
C.The author made some new friends at school.
D.The author found it difficult to find a quiet place.
3.Why was the author eager to go home after school
A.To play with his childhood friend.
B.To know how Charlie’s first day went.
C.To catch the train line she took to school.
D.To share feelings about school with Charlie.
4.How did the author feel after talking to Charlie
A.Surprised. B.Shocked.
C.Relaxed. D.Delighted.
Today was my first day at senior high and it was hard. In high school, you have 4 minutes to get to your next class. My high school is very big and the 4 minutes to go from one class to another isn’t really a lot of time even for a quick boy like me. Today, I had to go from one end of the building to the other to get from science class to math class. I wanted to go to my locker first and leave my science book there, but that took time. I was worried about being late, and I was. The math teacher said, “Just be on time tomorrow, or you’ll have detention(放学后留校).”
After math, I went to art class. I like my art class a lot because I get to create things. The teacher showed us how to make portraits (肖像). He explained, “A portrait is a way of communicating with a person. It does not just show how the person looks but what is important to understand the person.” We just did drawings today, but I know it’s going to be great. I like drawing.
I like my English class, too. I think the teacher is really supportive. Today, we wrote about ourselves. The teacher asked us to just write what we thought, and we would pay attention to punctuation(标点符号) later. We could write a paragraph or a poem, and I wrote a poem about myself. I thought it was a good one, and the teacher said I had used good images to communicate my feelings.
Lunch was very hurried. I arrived at the dining room with 12 minutes to eat. I sat with students I didn’t know, and everyone was eating quickly. After lunch, I signed up for a computer club. I need to learn how to use a computer well because my social studies teacher says it’s a skill we need in every class.
5.What happened to the author after his science class
A.He got lost on campus. B.He was given a detention.
C.He took his science textbook. D.He was late for his math class.
6.What did the author think of his art class
A.Specific. B.Effective. C.Enjoyable. D.Challenging.
7.What did the English teacher do after seeing the author’s poem
A.He pointed out his mistakes. B.He praised his way of writing.
C.He encouraged him to be creative. D.He asked him to check punctuation.
8.What can be the best title for this passage
A.My First Day at High School B.My New Start at High School
C.My Attitude to High School Life D.My Impression of High School Life
Do you still remember what happened on your first day of school  I still remember my first day of school. On that day, I hurried to my science class in the morning and found a seat in the back. I waited there for 15 minutes before the bell rang. The science teacher told us about some class rules. No one talked to me nor did I talk to anyone else. I was one of those very shy girls. After the science class, I had an English class. I thought it would be boring but it turned out to be very funny. When the classes of the morning ended I went to lunch. I sat outside the dining room with no one to talk to and no food because I was too nervous to join the lunch line. I kept looking around hoping to see someone I knew but I never saw anyone.