奇迹npcname(chs)npc怪物名字(The miracle npcname (CHS) NPC
monster name)
1 / / blood Castle
841 masked warriors"
851 masked archer"seifert
861 "the skeleton warrior spirit"
871 "will reveal"
881 "Skeleton Knight spirit"
891 "ghost skeleton"
2 / / blood Castle
901 masked warriors"
911 masked archer"
921 "the skeleton warrior spirit"
931 "will reveal"
941 "Skeleton Knight spirit"
951 "ghost skeleton"
3 / / blood Castle
961 masked warriors"
971 masked archer"
981 "the skeleton warrior spirit" 991 "will reveal"
1111 "Skeleton Knight spirit" 1121 "ghost skeleton"
4 / / blood Castle
1131 masked warriors"
1141 masked archer"
1151 "the skeleton warrior spirit" 1161 "will reveal"
1171 "Skeleton Knight spirit" 1181 "ghost skeleton"
5 / / blood Castle
1191 masked warriors"
1201 masked archer"
1211 "the skeleton warrior spirit" 1221 "will reveal"
1231 "Skeleton Knight spirit" 1241 "ghost skeleton"
6 / / blood Castle
1251 masked warriors"
1261 masked archer"
1271 "the skeleton warrior spirit" 1281 "will reveal"
1291 "Skeleton Knight spirit" 1301 "ghost skeleton"
1311 scarlet gates"
1321 crystal coffin"
1331 crystal coffin"
1341 crystal coffin"
Magic ring / battle
1351 "white magician""
1361 "destroy the samurai""
1371 "the destruction of archer"
7 / / blood Castle
1381 masked warriors"
1391 masked archer"
1401 "the skeleton warrior spirit" 1411 "will reveal"
1421 "Skeleton Knight spirit" 1431 "ghost skeleton"
1471 "arcas"
1481 samurai"
1461 "lobster guard.""
1441 "angel of death""
1491 dark wizards" 1451 "mad warrior"" 1601 "dark puppets"" 1611 "Quinton"
1771 "arcas"
1781 samurai"
1761 "lobster guard."" 1741 "angel of death"" 1791 dark wizards" 1751 "mad warrior"" 1801 "dark puppets"" 1811 "Quinton"
1851 "arcas"
1861 samurai"
1841 "lobster guard.""