五年级英语上册 Unit4 Hobbies (story timn加油e)
1. 能听懂、会读、会n加油说单词:dance, draw, play the piano, rn加油ead, watch films.
2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:I lin加油ke …  He/She…likes…They liken加油……
3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复n加油述课文内容。
4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇n加油和句型谈论自己或他人的爱好。
Ppt 课件、人物图片、人物爱好n加油图片、单词卡
Step 1 Greeting and wn加油arm up
1. Free talk
  n加油Good morning, boys and girls. Nice ton加油 meet you.
2. Ask and an加油nswer.
  a.T:What can we do in then加油 playground?  S: run/jump/pn加油lay basketball/play fon加油otball… T:We can do a lot of sn加油ports in the playground. Teach: an加油 lot of
b. T: What can we do in the musn加油ic room?  S:sing/dance… T:We also can n加油play the piano in the mn加油usic room. Teach: play the piano
c. Tn加油: What can we do in the classroom? Teacn加油h: read/draw
Step 2 Pn加油resentation
1. T:What can n加油you do ? S:……
T:What can I do ? n加油S:You can ……
T:I can draw. I like n加油drawing.
  I can dance. I like dancing.n加油
  I also like swimminn加油g and reading.
They are my hn加油obbies.
      Teach: also  hobbies
n加油      揭题:Today, we learn加油n Unit 4 Hobbies.
2.师生对话:n加油What do you like doing? I n加油like……
Step 3 Learn: Storypiano怎么读 n加油time
1. Show some pictures: Mike, Liun加油 Tao, Yang Ling, Su Hai, Su Yang
2. T: Whn加油at do Mike and his friends likn加油e doing? Lets watch the video and n加油tick the answers.
3. Watch an加油nd tick. 生看卡通,出他们的爱好。
Whan加油t do they like doing?
Check andn加油 learn: read stories ,watch filn加油ms.
4. Read the first paragraph,n加油 fill in the form.
ln加油ikes doing
Checn加油k and learn: be good at ,be not gn加油ood at,with.
5. Super memory:看谁n加油记忆力最好!看故事第二、三两段。读一读,记一记,说一说Liu Tao 和Yan加油ng Ling的爱好。
Liu Tao likes playing n加油football  and  playing table tennis.
Yann加油g Ling likes reading stories  and  pn加油laying the piano.
6. Listn加油en and say:听故事第四段,说说苏阳n加油和苏海的爱好。
Su Hai likes dancing  and  sn加油wimming.
Su Yang likes watchinn加油g films  and  swimming.
  n加油Check and learn:  bothn加油 都 They both like swimming.
7. Read.
A. Fn加油ollow the tape.
B. Follow the teachn加油er.
C. Read in groups.
8. Let’n加油s think and write. 根据38页的连n加油线提示完成填空。
9. Shown加油 time: Who do you want ton加油 be? Introduce yourself first, then chon加油ose one to be your friend, and introducn加油e him/her/them.(你想扮演谁?介绍一下自己的爱n加油好。然后选一位或两位作自己的朋友,并介绍他/她/她们的爱好。)
Stn加油ep 4 Consolidation
Can you talk an加油bout your family’s hobbies?
I have an加油 happy family.
I like_______n加油_.
书先生”那一行n加油当怎么说也算是让国人景仰甚或敬畏的一种社会职业。只是更早的“先生”n加油概念并非源于教书,最初出现的“先生”一词也并非有传n加油授知识那般的含义。《孟子》中的“先生何为出此言也?”;《论语》n加油中的“有酒食,先生馔”;《国策》中的“先生坐,何至于此?n加油”等等,均指“先生”为父兄或有学问、有德行的长辈。其实《国策》中本身就有“先n加油生长者,有德之称”的说法。可见“先生”之原意非真正n加油的“教师”之意,倒是与当今“先生”的称呼更接近。看来,“先n加油生”之本源含义在于礼貌和尊称,并非具学问者的专称。称“老师”为“n加油先生”的记载,首见于《礼记?曲礼》,有“从于先生,不越礼n加油而与人言”,其中之“先生”意为“年长、资深之传授知识者”,与教师、n加油老师之意基本一致。My father likes_________n加油___.