第八节 地文航海
0424.A ___A___ is the intersection of the surface of a sphere and a plane passing through the center of the sphere.
A.great circle B.small circle C.large circle D.general circle
0577. Entering from seaward,triangular-shaped daymarks are used to mark ___ A___.
A.the starboard side of the channel 航道右侧
B.the centerline of the channel 航道中线
C.an obstruction where the preferred channel is to starboard 一个碍航物,推荐航道在其右侧
D.special purpose areas 特殊区域
0674. ___ D___ is a defined area within which ships must use particular caution and should follow the recommended direction of traffic flow.
A.Recommended Direction of Traffic Flow 推荐的交通流方向B.Roundabout 环行道
C.Separation Zone or Line通航分隔带或分隔线 D.Precautionary Area 警戒区
0675. ____ B__ is a circular traffic lane used at junctions of several routes,within which traffic moves counterclockwise around a separation point or zone.
c指针原理揭秘pdfA.Traffic Lane 通航分道B.Roundabout环形道 C.Inshore Traffic Zone 沿岸通航带D.Two-way Route 双向航道
position of the day
0676. ____ D__ is not likely to be a methods of Traffic Separation.
A.Separation of opposing streams of traffic by separation zones or lines 利用通航分隔带或通航分隔线把相反方向的交通流隔开
B.The separation of through traffic from local traffic by provision of inshore traffic zones 根据沿岸通航带条款的规定,把过境航行与地方交通流隔开
C.Division of traffic from several different direction into sectors 使用扇形分隔把几个不同方向的交通流分开
D.Control of routing traffic through shipping routes 利用船舶定线制控制定线交通
0677. _____ C_ means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle[21]
AGreat Circle 大圆BPosition Line 船位线CRhumb line 恒向线常见的指数函数图像
DTrue Bearing 真方位
0678. A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of __ B___[42]
AInterrupted quick flashing 间断快闪BComposite group flashing 混联闪
CMorseA 莫斯码A DQuick flashing 快闪
0679. A buoy marking a wreck will show an____ A__[43]
AWhite light FL2and a topmark of 2 black spheres 闪(2)白光和2个黑球组成的顶标
BOcculting green light and may be lettered 明暗绿光,且有可能用字母识别
CYellow light and will be numbered 黄光,且会被编号
DContinuous quick white light and may be numbered 连续快闪白光,且可能被编号
0681. A fairly accurate estimation of a ship's position can be calculated by a technique known as ___ A___[88]
ADead reckoning 积算(船位)BPilotage javabean和类的区别引航服务CGreat circle sailing 大圆航法DGeographic navigation 地文航海
0682. A line of position derived by radar range from an identified point on a coast will be a(n)___ B___.
A.Straight line 直线B.Arc 圆弧、曲线C.Parabola 抛物线
D.Line parallel to the coast 与岸线平行的线
0683. A position obtained by applying only your vessel's course and speed to a known position is a __ A____. 根据已知船位,加上航向、航速计算得到的船位是()
A.Dead-reckoning position 积算船位B.Fix 船舶定位C.Probable position 概位
D.Running fix 移线定位
0684. A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and speed is an___ B___[161]
ADead reckoning position 积算船位BEstimated position 推算船位CFix定位
DNone of the above 以上都不是
0685. A special purpose buoy shall be ___ D___.
A.lighted with a white light 显示白灯B.striped black and red 显示黑、红直条纹
C.lighted with a red light 显示红灯D.yellow 黄的
0686. An orange and white buoy indicating a vessel-exclusion area will be marked with what symbol ____ B____. 标身漆成橙和白,用于表示禁止船舶进入的海区,这种会显示什么顶标()
A.Open-faced diamond 菱形体B.Diamond with a cross 菱形体加一个X形标志
C.Circle 圆形D.Square 方形
0687. An orange and white buoy marking an area where operating restrictions are in effect will be marked with which symbol _____ C___.
A.Open-faced diamond 菱形体B.Diamond with a cross菱形体加一个X形标志
C.Circle 圆形D.Rectangle 矩形
0689. Depiction of TSS's on charts uses ___ A___ as the primary color.
特效视频是什么意思A.magenta 品(洋)红B.deep red 深红C.bright red 鲜红D.red 红
0691. How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage systemA ___ B_____[603]
Akeep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel's port side when leaving 进港时把浮标放在船舶左舷,离港时放在船舶右舷
Bkeep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching a port and on the vessel's starboard side when leaving进港时把浮标放在船舶右舷,离港时放在船舶左舷