Key to Exercises
Unit 1  Applying for a Job
II  Listening Task
sha1下载1) recruit    2) advertise    3) position    4) Internet
5) apply for    6) letter of application    7) covering letter    8) curriculum vitae
9) résumé    10) candidates    11) application form   
12) Human Resource Department     计算机二进制转十进制题目13) Personnel Department   
14) applications    15) short list     16) applicants    17) interview
1) c try catch语句Job interviews are all about making the best matches. springboot教程百度网盘
2) They are the traditional job interview and the behavioral interview.
3) Because your knowledge about the company is critical to your success.
4)    You should not memorize answers, but script specific responses. You should also have several questions ready to ask the interviewer.
5) You must immediately write a thank-you note to each person who interviewed you.
traditional / broad-based / work for / strengths and weaknesses / Interviewing success / ability / communicate / truthfulness or content / skills and abilities / enthusiasm and work ethic / team player /
behavioral / theory / past performance / indicator/ specific past behaviors / an unexpected problem / achieve a goal / several projects / prepare for / recalling scenarios / college grads / class projects / group situations / Hobbies and volunteer work / describe the situation / relate the outcomes / specify what you learned from it.
IV  Reading Task
1) Researching a company and the position makes you stand out in an interview. It shows that you are really interested in working there.
2) You may need information such as kinds of products or services the company makes or sells, the types of people who work there, the typical hours this position requires and some of the day-to-day tasks that the job involves.
3) How you should dress in a job interview depends on the type of job you apply for. For example, for a job in an office, it is usually best to wear a dark-colored, conservative suit (for both men and women).
4) Good interview etiquette means some important interview etiquette tips like “Be on time for your interview”, “Be aware of your body language” and “Keep the interview positive”.
5) Because preparing some questions about the business, the position, the requirements, the expectations of the person who will fill the position and so on shows you are truly interested in the position and also helps employers know that you have all the information you need to make a decision, if offered the job.
6) You should send the interviewer a thank-you note, thanking him or her for taking time to interview you. This is not only proper etiquette and a common display of appreciation, but it also allows you to reaffirm one or two key points of the interview. It also lets the interviewer know how interested you ar
e in working for the company.
VIII  Follow-up Practice
1) A: I see from your résumé and application letter that you’ve had quite a lot of experience in sales already. 
2) B: I know that your goal is to become the biggest provider of office suppliers in the country. My knowledge and experience of the customer base can make a contribution to this goal. I would really enjoy the challenge of growing this business.
position of the day3) A: If you were in my shoes, what sort of qualities you’d look for in your secretary? 
4) B: I feel that my experience and skills are a great match for the position and I could really make a positive contribution to your firm.
5) B: I used to work in a small company. There was a lack of growth opportunities in a small company. One of the reasons I’m so interested in your company is that you are a large company deal
ing in international trade. I feel that I would have more scope for personal development in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me.
6) B: I’m disciplined and determined. I believe these strengths strongly contribute to my success in sales. My weakness? I suppose I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I’m usually dissatisfied with what I’ve done and always think I can do it better in a different way.
7) B: I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experiences and educational background.
8) A: You’ll hear from us soon. After we’ve interviewed all the applicants, we’ll make our final decision. We will telephone you. It has been a pleasure to talk with you.

Unit 2 Business Phone Calls
II  Listening Task
数据库和数据集有什么区别2) Introduce yourself and your company.
3) Express gratitude.
4) State the purpose of your call.
5) Schedule a meeting.
6) Use the alternate-of-choice questioning strategy.
7) Thank them for their time today and for the upcoming appointment.