1、Fully pronounce each sound
probably  /'prɑb?bli/ 中第二个/b/一定要发声
general  /'d??nr?l/  中的/l/  舌头要上翘
seven  /'s?vn/    中的/n/ 鼻音要发出来
twelve  /tw?lv/    中的/l/  舌头要上翘,/v/上牙齿要轻咬下唇
2、Voiced consonant & voiceless consonant(浊辅音与清辅音) 当元音位于浊辅音之前时发音更长如  ice /a?s/ 与 eyes /aiz/,后者/ai/的发音要比前者长      back /b?k/ —  bag /b?
ɡ/      safe /sef /  —  save /sev/      light /la?t/    —  lied /la?d/      cup /k?p/    —  cub /k?b/
3、'TH' sound
'TH' /θ/ /e/ 发此音时舌头要伸出上下排牙齿之间,但不可太用力
4、The American 'L' sound
5、The American 'R' sound
6、The 'W' sound
7、The 'V' and 'W' sounds
'V' 上牙齿要轻咬下唇, 注意与'W'的区别
比较这几组发音的区别:west——vest  wet——vet  wine——vine
8、The 'S' and 'Z'  sounds
当前接元音与浊辅音时'S'发'Z'音,当前接清辅音时'S'发'S'音has/h?z/  bags/b?ɡz/  lives/la?vz/  books/b?ks/
9、Stops and continuants 停止与连续音
连续音s, m, v 要拉长: yes, sometime, have
停止音p, b, d, t 在遇到下一个辅音之前要保持口型(听起来像不发音但要保持口型)
job hunting, top model, good boy, that day, not now
No, it’s not.  You are quite right.I want that blue hat.I can’t go.
因为can’t 的t不发音,听起来很像can。区别在于can’t 之后有一个停顿,can由于尾音是n,
10、'T' between two vowels
stops是什么音better,  city, water, auto,  it is
I got up at eleven o’clock.
Do you want to get in or get out?What a nice day it is.
11、'T' followed by 'N'
written, mountain, button, curtain
I am certain that’s the tallest mountain.
My cotton shirt has buttons.I have forgotten when the book was written.
12、The 'ING' sound
'ing'的发音 g不发音但口型不能省略,即尾音结束时舌头在下方而不是抵在上颚。
I am thinking about buying the ring.
13、'TR' and 'DR' sounds
'tr'&'dr', 不能发成两个音而是合成一个新的音/tr/、/dr/
travel,  introduce,  drama,  hundred
14、'TU' and 'DU' sounds
'tu'&'du', 不能发成两个音而是合成一个新的音/t?u/、/d?u/
statue /'st?t?u/      nature /'net??/ graduate/?ɡr?d?u?et/  educate ['?d?uket]
can’t you /k?nt?u/,  aren’t you /ɑrnt?u/,  won’t you /wunt?u/当/d/后跟/ju/时,也可以读作/d?u/did you /did?u /,  could you /k?d?u/,  would you /w?d?u/
Would you like to see the schedule?
Aren’t you graduating in the spring?
15、'ED' endings
单词最后一个字母是T或D,加ed发/id/音 waited/wetid/以清辅音结尾的,加ed发/t/音 stopped /stɑpt/以浊辅音结尾的,加ed发/d/音 robbed /rɑbd/
to be continued 关注成长发现l未知的自己