Governments and businesses worldwide are creating smartphone apps to help track the spread of COVID-19.
Tracking the spread of a disease is an important step in stopping its outbreak (爆发).By tracking down people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients, health researchers can warn them, and keep COVID-19 from spreading further. This is called "contact tracing,, (接触者追踪)
As governments remove COVTD-19 limits, they'll need to be able to quickly find and control new outbreaks. Contact tracing will be an important part of the process.
But because COVID-19 spreads so quickly to so many people, it's almost impossible to trace all contacts with phone calls. Thafs why many people hope that digital contact tracing
with smartphones will help.
Most contact tracing apps collect information about where people have gone and the people they've had contact with. The apps can tell users when one of their recent contacts has been found to have COVID-19. Some systems also tell governments or health care workers.
Now many apps have been developed all over the world. But some people worry the apps are being made too quickly and may not protect people's private information.
What do you think of this kind of app?
1.Contact tracing apps are mainly used on.
A.smartphones B. computersC. carsD. telephonesTo prevent COVID-19 from spreading further, we'd better.
A.bring smartphonescontrol all people's movements
B.track down people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patientstell governments or health care workers
2.What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Users.B. Governments.
C. Researchers.D. Health care workers.
3.What's the disadvantage of the contact tracing apps? the virus. When the scientists tested their Al models, they found that they could detect 98.5% of the people who caught the virus, including 100% of the asymptomatic people.
Brian Subirana, one of the scientists, says, "We think this shows that the way one person produces sound changes when he or she has COVID-19, even if he or she is asymptomatic.The scientists now want to turn their models into an app that can run on mobile phones. If they are able to do that, it could allow people to quickly and easily check whether they have caught the virus.
30.From the passage, who are asymptomatic people?
A.Those who do not cough at all although they catch the virusThose who have a high fever when they catch the virus.
B.Those who catch the virus but don't show any signs of being illThose who catch the virus but won't pass it to any other one.
31.How does the new method work?
A. By analyzing a person's voice.B. By taking a person's temperature.
C. By taking a person to the hospital.D. By asking a person some questions.
32.What does the underlined word "they” rer to?
A. the virusesB. the scientistsC. the Al models D. the asymptomatic people
33.Where will the Al models be used according to Brian?
A. Everywhere. B. On computers.
C. In hospitals. D. On mobile phones.
34.unableWhat can you read from the passage?
A.An Al method can help detect the COVID-19 patients accurately.
B.An Al method can help find where the COVID came from.
C.COVID-19 is too easy to detect with the help of an Al robot.
D.COVID-19 can't be detected even with the help of an Al robot.
China says it will prevent the act of eating wild animals and seriously fight against the unlawful trade as wild animals are widely believed to be the source that causes the outbreak of the COVID-19, according to a decision accepted by the top legislature on Feb.
24. The decision was made to fight against the unlawful wildlife trade and give up the bad habit of eating wild animals. It was also made to safeguard people's lives and health.
The decision, made up of eight items, pays attention to the serious problem of some people eating wild animals. It aims to completely ban eating wild animals and fight against the unlawful wildlife trade. Later, some laws will be amended to provide a strong legislative promise for safeguarding public health and ecological security, according to the legislature.
The habit of eating wild animals and the related unlawful trade have caused huge public attention after the outbreak of the COVID-19. Disease control experts have said wild animals are very likely to be the source of the new virus.
The top legislature said in a statement that eating wild animals causes huge hidden risks to public health, but amending the Wild Animal Protection Law needs time and should go through legislative procedures.