    1. 发挥审计在廉政建设中的作用
    2. 领导干部的经责审计有助于提高基层公信力
    1. 建立全面、科学的干部档案
    2. 完善领导干部的实名制审计
    3. 加强干部的廉政教育和培训
    4. 推动干部自身能力的提升
The Importance of Establishing the Public Credibility of Economic Responsibility Audit at the Grassroots Level for Accurately "Creating Portraits" of Leading Cadres
    Abstract: In recent years, China's fight against corruption has strengthened and the requirements for honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres have become increasingly stringent. It is crucial to establish and improve the economic responsibility audit system for leading cadres in order to better utilize auditing in holding economic responsibility and
to establish the public credibility of economic responsibility audit at the grassroots level. This article will mainly expound the importance of accurately "creating portraits" of leading cadres to establish the public credibility of economic responsibility audit at the grassroots level, and propose corresponding suggestions and measures.
    Leading cadres are the backbone of China's national development. They hold important responsibilities in various levels of organizations and bear significant responsibilities for the management of the country's social economy. Accurately "creating portraits" refers to a comprehensive, accurate, and scientific analysis, evaluation, and summarization of the experiences, backgrounds, characters, strengths, weaknesses, and issues related to leading cadres, using auditing methods to establish the public credibility of economic responsibility audit at the grassroots level. This is of great significance to implementing the construction of Party conduct and clean governance and anti-corruption work.
    Why Conduct Economic Responsibility Audit for Leading Cadres
    1. Play the role of auditing in clean governance
    Clean governance is the core content of modern national governance and also an important responsibility of leading cadres. Leading cadres bear economic responsibilities, and auditing is an effective means of supervision. Through the economic responsibility audits of leading cadres, problems can be discovered, management can be strengthened, and the tasks of clean governance can be implemented.
    2. Economic responsibility audit of leading cadres helps to enhance grassroots public credibility
    Leading cadres play an important role in grassroots work and maintain close contact with the grassroots population. Economic responsibility audit of leading cadres can regulate their behavior from an institutional perspective and play a positive role in enhancing grassroots public credibility. Only by standardizing the behavior of cadres thro
governanceugh auditing can a fair and transparent governance environment be established at the grassroots level, and the public credibility of cadres can be improved.
    How to Accurately "Create Portraits" to Establish the Public Credibility of Economic Responsibility Audit at the Grassroots Level
    1. Establish comprehensive and scientific cadre files
    Cadre files are the foundation for accurately "creating portraits" of cadres, and their content should include personal basic information, professional ethics, work performance, and clean governance. It is necessary to establish a sound informationized cadre file system, accurately record cadres' performance and issues at the grassroots level.
    2. Improve real-name auditing of leading cadres
    Real-name auditing of leading cadres should become a regular work. Auditing authorities should regard economic responsibility audit of leading cadres as an important aspect and ensure fair, objective, and comprehensive audits for cadres at all levels.