An Image or a Mirage?形象还是海市蜃楼?
Robert L. Shook
There is a distinct difference between a winning image and a mirage. A mirage is an illusion, and in your quest for a winning image, you must be capable of identifying such mirages.成功的形象和海市蜃楼之间有明显的区别。海市蜃楼是一种幻觉,在你追求成功的形象时,你必须能够识别这种海市蜃楼。
One of the common misread images stems from what people think about eye contact. 常见的误读图像之一源于人们对目光接触的看法。How many times have you heard, “You can tell he’s an honest man because he looks you straight in the eye.”你听过多少次,“你可以说他是一个诚实的人,因为他直视你的眼睛。” Evidently, many people must believe that a dishonest man feels so ashamed that he’s not telling the truth that he can’t even face them directly. 显然,许多人一定认为,一个不诚实的人会感到羞耻,以至于他没有说实话,甚至无法直接面对他们。But what about an honest individual who is too shy to look straight at you? 但是对于一个太害羞而不敢直视你的诚实的人呢?Furthermore, a good can artist know
s that many people judge integrity by the way one looks at them, so he deliberately includes eye contact in his act.此外,一个好的罐头艺术家知道很多人通过看他们的方式来判断他们的完整性,所以他故意在他的行为中加入眼神交流。 Because you can’t count on eye contact as an infallible test, you should never use it to evaluate another person’s honesty. 因为你不能指望眼神交流是一个万无一失的测试,所以你永远不应该用它来评估另一个人的诚实。Nonetheless, since most people do judge others by this criterion, be sure that you always look them squarely in the eye. 尽管如此,由于大多数人确实以这个标准来评判他人,因此请确保您始终直视他们的眼睛。
    Evaluating a man’s honesty by the way he looks at you makes no more sense(没有意义了)than judging his integrity by the way your dog or cat reacts to him.用他看待你的方式来评估一个人的诚实,与用你的狗或猫对他的反应方式来判断他的正直没有任何意义。Yet how many times have you heard a dog’s master say, “That’s interesting — Thor doesn’t take to strangers very often. 然而,你有多少次听到狗的主人说:“这很有趣——托尔不经常和陌生人打交道。He’s a good judge of human nature, and the fact that he’s friendly with you tells me some good things about you.”他是一个很好的人性判断者,他对
你友好的事实告诉我一些关于你的好事情。” Once when I was in the home of a prospect, his cat, Tiger, took such a liking to me that he sat on my shoulder during my entire sales presentation. 有一次,当我在一个潜在客户的家里时,他的猫老虎非常喜欢我,以至于在我的整个销售演示过程中它都坐在我的肩上。When I was finished, my prospect’s wife said, “Mr. Shook, Tiger only does that with members of our immediate family. You must be a very honest person for her to be so friendly to you.”当我完成后,我的潜在客户的妻子说:“休克先生,老虎只对我们的直系亲属这样做。你一定是个很诚实的人,她才会对你这么友好。”
integrity 诚信  She questioned his integrity as a councillor.她质疑他作为市议员的诚信度。
react to  作出反应Companies are scrambling to decide how to react to workers wanting to stay remote.公司正在争先恐后地决定如何应对想要留下来的员工远程。
human nature n. 人性,人情One of his frailties of human nature is laziness.他的弱点之一是懒惰
prospect n. 景象,景前景;前途可能成为主顾的人;有希望的候选人vi. 勘探;勘察
took such a liking to me 喜欢我
The truth of the matter was that I refrained from pushing the cat off because I was afraid she’d rip my suit or scratch my eyes out.事情的真相是,我没有把猫推开,因为我害怕她会撕破我的衣服或把我的眼睛划伤。 However, I replied, “Yes, ma’am, Tiger obviously has some kind of instinct that enables her to accurately judge humans.不过,我回答说:“是的,女士,老虎显然有某种直觉,可以让她准确地判断人类。 She sure is a good judge of character.” Even though Tiger happened to be right in my case, I personally put very little faith in an animal’s instinctual ability to judge people. 她确实是一个很好的性格判断者。”尽管老虎在我的情况下碰巧是对的,但我个人对动物判断人的本能能力不太相信。I’d say his reactions have more to do with odors and body movement.我想说他的反应更多地与气味和身体运动有关。
refrained vi. 制止;避免;节制,克制n. 叠句,副歌;重复
blondrefrain from 克制;抑制;忍住Please refrain from smoking during the performance.演出时请勿吸烟。
scratch n. 抓痕;擦伤;刮擦声;乱写adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛That cat will scratch you with its claws.那猫会用爪子抓你的。
replied  vi. 回答;回击;答辩n. 回答;答辩vt. 回答;答复
instinct   n. 本能,直觉;天性adj. 充满着的
judge  n. 法官裁判员,评判员鉴定人,鉴赏家vt. & vi. 审判;评判;断定
happen to be  碰巧是;恰巧是
personally  adv. 亲自地就个人而言就人而论认为某泛指的话针对自己而不悅
have more to do with有更多的关系
odors   n. 气味;名声He is in bad odor with his friends.他在朋友中声誉不佳。
Some people judge another person by the way he or she shakes hands. 有些人通过他或她握手的方式来判断另一个人。A good, strong grip represents character, while a “dead fish” handshake is a bad sign.良好、有力的握力代表性格,而“死鱼”握手!是一个不好的迹象。 I, too, dislike the flabby handshake with no life to it, but I am careful not to use it as a basis for judging an individual. 我也不喜欢那种没有生命力的松散握手,但我小心不要把它作为判断一个人的依据。Again, it’s too easy for a con artist to put a hearty handshake into his act. Though you should give a firm handshake so you’ll immediately create a good impression, don’t place too much weight on the next fellow’s grip; it doesn’t tell you anything concrete about him.再一次,对于一个骗子来说,在他的行为中进行一次热烈的握手太容易了。虽然你应该坚定地握手,以便立即给人留下好印象,但不要过分强调下一个人的握力;它并没有告诉你任何关于他的具体信息。
grip  n. 紧握,抓牢掌握,控制理解力,控制力握法,手法发夹;把手vt. & vi. 紧握,抓紧吸引,引起
flabby   adj. 软弱的;松弛的;没气力的;优柔寡断的I became rather flabby after I stopped doing exercises regularly."停止了经常运动后,我的肌肉变得相当松弛了。"
basis n. 底部;基础;主要成分;基本原则或原理
con v. 欺骗,哄骗;指挥(船)的驾驶;熟读,默记n. ,;反对票;囚犯;不利;指挥驾船(岗位);(尤指科幻小说迷参加的)会adv. 反面地adj. 欺诈的prep. 以……
concrete adj. 实在的,具体的;有形的;混凝土的vi. 凝结vt. 用混凝土修筑;使凝固n. 凝结物;具体物
There’s certain clean-cut appearance that creates an honest image. 某些干净利落的外观可以营造出诚实的形象。For example, a blond, blue-eyed young man with a boyish grin and a look that typifies the boy-next-door, All-American type’ will almost always inspire confidence in mothers. 例如,一个金发碧眼的年轻人,带着孩子气的笑容和典型的邻家男孩、全美式的长相,几乎总是会激发对母亲的信心。There is no logical reason for placing such blind faith in a man simply because of the way he looks, yet most people do make such quick judgments. 仅仅因为他的长相而对一个男人如此盲目相信没有合乎逻辑的理由,但大多数人确实会做出如此快速的判断。Conversely, the seedy man with dark oily ski
n, greasy black hair, and a moustache is not considered honest-looking.相反,黑油腻的皮肤、油腻的黑发和小胡子的邋遢男人不被认为是诚实的。 Similarly, a woman may have them looks which are usually associated with those of a streetwalker, whereas a high-priced call girl may look refined and refreshing.同样地,女人的容貌可能与街头流浪者的容貌有关,而高价应召女郎则看起来精致而清爽。Naturally, clothes and — in the case of women — cosmetics, have a great deal to do with such aforementioned appearances, but unfortunately a person’s m natural looks, over which he or she has little control, play an important part in the judgments most people will make.自然,衣服和——女性而言——化妆品,与上述外表有很大关系,但不幸的是,一个人几乎无法控制的自然外表在大多数人的判断中起着重要作用会做。 I pity the hard-working, honest salesman who was born with the looks that make people automatically think, “He’s not the kind of man I’d want to buy a used car from!” 可怜那个勤劳诚实的推销员,天生就让人不自觉地想,“他不是那种我想买二手车的人!”On the other hand, a very devious individual may look like the type you can trust. 另一方面,一个非常狡猾的人可能看起来像你可以信任的类型。How can you be sure that the hitchhiker who looks so clean-cut is any less dangerous than the one
who, because of his appearance, looks like a risk? 你怎么能确定一个看起来如此干净利落的搭便车者比一个因为他的外表而看起来像一个冒险者的危险性要小?And how can you be sure that this one really is a risk? The point is that we are most often being completely unreasonable in making such snap decisions.你怎么能确定这真的是一种风险?关键是我们在做出如此仓促的决定时往往是完全不合理的。