Unit 1
busy, friends, university, social life
danced; view of the river; fun; drink; west; delicious meal; house; television
1962; fourth; 1990; 1996
teacher; work; cleaned houses; his wife; lost; in his own words; visited
home; country; relatives; foreigner; speak; passed on; heat; sea; happiness
Role play
It was great
He’s a football player
It was really beautiful
The expressions you hear are 1,3,5,7 and 10
Group Discussions
The expressions you hear are 1,4,5,7,8,9 and 10.
Short conversations
Long conversation
Passage 1
Passage 2
programs; decisions; doing laundry; Obviously; choices; ruining; get used to; opportunities; step back
Unit 2
once a month; Not very often; once or twice; once a week; once every month; every fortnight
romantic; great; recommend; action; collection; real life; scenes; fantastic
1-c; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b
2. blond; blue; dark; masculine;
3. woman 1: Sean Connery; Woman 2: Gael Garcia Bernal and Will Smith; Man 1: Judi Dench; Man 2: Scarlett Johansson
4. tall; masculine face/best looking; black hair; dark brown; red hair; grey; slim; blonde hair; lovely
2. The reason mentioned in the video clip are 2, 4 and 6.
3. garden; baby and wife; traditional values; likes; being together
Role play
1. feel like 2. What do you recommend; 3. how about; 4. What’s it about; 5. Who’s in it; 6. Do you think; 7. Why don’t we
2. The statements you hear are 1,4,5,7,8,9 and 10.
Group discussion
2. Recently; in; We; a free concert; fantastic; really liked
Short conversations
Long conversation
Passage 1
Passage 2
1. comic; 2. traffic; 3. constantly; 4. available; 5. took part in; 6. attracted; 7. audience; 8. free of charge; 9. put forward; 10. embrace
Unit 3
3. 1-8: ACHBGFDE
4. exciting; amazing concert; incredible; the theater; the best place; different; compared to; play football; interesting things; the best thing; tickets; culture and sport
2. adhebgcf
3. 2,4
Role play
1. It’s        2. there        3. leave a message        4. call        5. speak
6. moment    7. ring        8. number            9. this        10. picking up
Group discussion
1. Speaker 1: Climbing a volcano; Speaker 2: Sailing down the Nile; Speaker 3: None of them
2. The expressions you hear are 1,3,4,5,7,8 and 9.
Short conversation
Long conversation
Passage 1
Passage 2
1. mountainous; 2. frightened; 3. took place; 4. vanish; 5. occurred; 6. massive; 7. caught;
8. keep us away; 9. grateful; 10. in advance
Unit 4
2 A: bus; B: car; C: walking; D: walking, the tube; E: bus, walking; F: bike
3. fresh air; avoid holes; think about; dream; looking out of the window; an accident
5. by underground; go to school by bus; about an hour; listen to music; look out of the window
1. BCA
5. 1962; leave their cars at home; public transport; build; keep in good condition; 1948; got in and drove away; engineering problem; too heavy; strong; private; difficult to fly; traffic problems
2. queuing; playing outside; making phone calls; chess; pizza
3. A:3,5 B:2 C:1,6 D:4
4. airport managers; relax; pass the time; midnight; their flight; 300; 319; 500
5. Beijing; terrible; ; a computer problem in the control tower; cancelled; another flight; queue/wait; sleeping everywhere at the airport; took off; 3 O’clock this morning
Role play
1. tied up; customer; 20; coffee; delayed; cow; stations
2. all right; mean; not acceptable; won’t; really; not my fault
3. ×××√√√√
Group discussion
1. a vegetarian meal; meat; his order; business class; cold; the person in charge
2. small; dont; dont understand; one more time; job; speak.    understand; moment
Short conversations
Long conversation
Passage 1
Passage 2
1. Gradually; 2. enabled; 3. vehicles; 4. dates back to; 5. As a result; 6. thoroughly; 7. capacity; 8. turn; 9. automobiles; 10. thanks to
Unit 5
2. The things you hear are:
adventure holidays; beach holidays; city breaks; activity holidays; swimming; skiing; relaxi
ng holidays
3. 1;4;5;7;10
4. relaxing; fantastic; lovely; Amazing; thoroughly enjoyed; Lovely; fantastic
more comfortable; Plane; faster; in a hotel; more comfortable; In an apartment; more expensive; Go sightseeing; Go sightseeing; more interesting; In summer; better; hotter; hot weather; In spring; more crowded; Go to a restaurant; quieter; Go to a restaurant; quieter; more relaxing; A month; A month