  Consciousness usually we do these social comparisons without realizing that it's a natural behavior, I think, so it's done without awareness, so the solution is to consciously bring these ideas to the forefront of your consciousness by observing them. If you focus on these ideas for a few days, it's much easier to practice, and soon, when you realize that you're making these comparisons, it's hard for me not to notice that you're making these comparisons, give yourself a pause, don't blame yourself or feel bad, admit your thoughts, gently change your focus, once you realize you're making these comparisons, No To blame yourself again, give yourself a pause. Don't blame yourself or feel bad.
  Just acknowledge the idea and gently change your blessing. Better focus on what you have, what you have, what you have, not what you didn't expect, how lucky you are to have what you have. If you want to live with people who care about you, you need to focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses, ask yourself what your strengths are, celebrate them, be proud of them, don't brag, but Be happy with them and try to make them to your best advantage.
  Well, people with flaws are perfect intellectually, we all know, but emotionally, when we can't be perfect, you'll never be me. Of course not, I've learned to accept that and continue to improve, but don't think you'll always be perfect. If you look at it in a different way, imperfection is the reason why you become who you are, You're already perfect.
comparisons  No one is perfect. We all know that. But emotionally, when we can't reach perfection, we feel bad.
  You're not perfect. You'll never be me. Of course not.
  I've learned to be satisfied with this and continue to improve. But don't think you'll be a perfect person if you change sides When you look at it, imperfection is what makes you who you are. You are already perfect.
  Don't beat others down. Sometimes we try to criticize others just to make ourselves look better or feel better. It is destructive to belittle others for your benefit.
  When you can finally make friends, it will hurt you. Instead, try to support the success of
others and achieve more success. What about you.