Unit 9
Text I                    Hollywood
Words and Expressions
1. glamour: n.
1) the exciting and charming quality of sth. unusual or special, with a magical power of attraction
e.g. Foreign travel has never lost its glamour for me.
2) strong personal attraction, esp. sexually exciting beauty, which excites admiration
e.g. Sophia added a touch of glamour by wearing a beautiful dress.
  glamorous: adj.
  glamorize: vt.
  attractiveness, charm
2. fulfill: vt.
1) carry out a promise; satisfy a desire, prayer, etc.
e.g. That man often fails to fulfill his promise, so he is not trusted.
2) perform or carry out a duty, task, etc.; answer or satisfy a need or purpose
e.g. The conditions of the contract must be fulfilled exactly.
3) finish or complete a period or piece of work
e.g. They fulfilled their project 30 days ahead of time.
fulfilled: adj.
  fulfillment: n.
Comparison: fulfill, realize
  realize: make actual or real something that has previously existed only as a plan or desire
  fulfill oneself: fully develop one’s abilities and character
e.g. He was able to fulfill himself through music. 通过音乐他能充分地发挥自己的才能。
Exercise: Choose the proper word in its appropriate form to fill each blank in the following sentences.
            fulfill        realize   
1) They_____ all the boss’s demands just to please him. 
2) It was really disheartening that our worst fears were_____. 
3) The travelling library _____ an important need for people who live in country areas.
3. colossal: adj. extremely large; of immense size; remarkable; splendid
e.g. It requires government spending on a colossal scale.
  colossus: n.
  remarkable; splendid
4. constant: adj. 
1) fixed or unchanging; invariable
e.g. Pressure in the container remains constant.
2) continually happening or repeated; regular
e.g. The entrance is in constant use; do not lock it.
3) loyal; faithful
e.g. She is a constant friend of mine.
constancy: n.
Comparison: constant, continuous
  continuous: referring exclusively to something that is unbroken throughout its entire length, great or small, whether its extension is through time or space.
Exercise: Choose the proper word to fill each blank in the following sentences.
                  constant    continuous 
1) Despite its large population, the rate of population increase of India has been _________
in recent years.
2) Many students prefer ____________ assessment to a once-for-all approach.
3) This video player provides high-speed dubbing and ____________ play facility.
5. peak: n.
1) a sharply pointed mountain top; a whole mountain with a pointed topthe highest point, level
e.g. The plane flew over the snow-covered mountain peaks.
2) the highest point, level, value, rate, etc.; a time of greatest success
e.g. Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.
Comparisons: peak, summit, climax
summit: the top of a mountain, or a meeting between heads of government
climax: the most exciting, important, or effective part in a story, experience, set of events, etc,
which usu. comes near the end
Exercise: Choose the proper word to fill each blank in the following sentences.
              peak    summit    climax
1) Demand for coal is at its _____ in January and February. 
2) Western leaders are gathering for this week’s Ottawa _____.
3) His first book was published when he was at the _____ of his powers. 
4) The ____ of the film is a brilliant car chase. 
6. immortal: adj. that will never die; that will live forever; that will continue or be remembered for a long time
e.g. The soul is immortal.
immortality: n.
immortalize: v.
e.g. All human beings are mortal.
7. ambitious: adj.
1) having a strong desire for success, power, wealth, etc.
e.g. He is an ambitious young man, studying hard to be a scientist.
2) showing or resulting from a desire to to sth. difficult or sth. that demands great effort, unusual skill, etc.
e.g. His next production was a very ambitious musical.
ambition: glamourn.
Only ambitious students can get best marks.
  His next production was a very ambitious musical comedy.